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Now Offering Telemedicine Appointments!

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Now Offering Telemedicine Appointments!

You risk causing an ingrown toenail if you clip your toenails improperly, especially on the outer edges of your big toes. The nail’s sides curve downward and as they grow, may pierce your skin. You may also develop an ingrown toenail if your footwear is too tight.

For a podiatrist that has professional experience and specialized training in performing this important foot care maintenance, treating conditions like an ingrown toenail is easy, uncomplicated, and safe. While doing it yourself is risky.

Avoid Self-Treatment

Before going to a podiatrist for assistance, many people try to remove their ingrown toenails themselves. While you might want to attempt to remove the nail yourself, doing so frequently only makes things worse.

Self-treatment can leave an opening in the flesh under the nail in which bacteria can enter. And instead of performing this in the sanitary privacy of a doctor’s office, you’ll be performing this in the less-than-germ-free conditions of a home bathroom.


A Podiatrist is likely to take one or more of the following treatment options:

  1. Pushing the nail Out: For a mildly ingrown toenail, your doctor may gently remove the edge of the nail and insert cotton or a splint underneath. This helps the nail develop over the skin’s edge and separates it from the skin above, usually taking two to twelve weeks. Additionally, your doctor may advise using therapeutic creams and/or medication.
  2. Taping Method: For this technique, your doctor uses tape to separate the skin from the ingrown toenail and uses a splint to support the nail. Using this technique, your doctor will numb the toe and insert a small tube with a slit underneath the nail. This approach is a viable means for reducing the discomfort an ingrown nail induces.
  3. Partial Nail Removal: Your podiatrist may numb the affected toe and clip or extract the ingrown section of the nail in cases of more severe ingrown toenails. Your toenail may take some time to grow back, but this technique is very effective.
  4. Nail Removal: Your doctor might advise removing the nail if you experience the issue on the same toe repeatedly. This technique might stop the nail’s growth in that area. Your doctor will use different techniques in this procedure depending on the condition of your toe.

You are allowed to take pain medication, like an anti-inflammatory.  as needed following nail-removal treatment. When you start moving about again, avoid tasks that cause discomfort until your podiatrist gives the all-clear.

Rather than risk infection or other complications by attempting to remove your ingrown toenail yourself, rely on Auburn Foot Care Center, call our office today, at 334-466-1401.

At Auburn Foot Care Center, Dr. Brett Stark, our board-certified podiatrist, treats various conditions such as diabetic foot care, sports injuries, bunions, ingrown toenails, arthritis, and pediatric foot care. We provide quality service and advanced technology care for patients in Lee County. We also offer telemedicine appointments. Contact our office at 334-466-1401. We are in Auburn, Alabama. Our address is 1559 Professional Parkway.

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*The reviews listed are from actual patients of Auburn Foot Care Center. Individual results may vary. Reviews are not claimed to represent results for everyone.

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Some Of The Ways We Proudly Support:

  • Auburn City Fest - Free Foot Care Screenings
  • Charity Bike Rides - Over 4,000 Miles A Year To Benefit Various Causes
  • Church Volunteering - Hurricane & Flood Relief
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Our Auburn Podiatry Office
1559 Professional Parkway,
Auburn AL 36830


Office Hours:
Monday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm

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Our Auburn Podiatry Office
890 N Dean Rd #400,
Auburn, AL 36830

1559 Professional Parkway,
Auburn AL 36830


Office Hours:
Monday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm

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