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Now Offering Telemedicine Appointments!

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Now Offering Telemedicine Appointments!

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Now Offering Telemedicine Appointments!

Your Premier Podiatry Clinic in Auburn, Alabama

When it comes to exceptional podiatry care in Auburn, Alabama, Auburn Foot Care Center is the leading podiatry clinic for individuals seeking top-notch treatment and lasting relief. With a strong focus on patient satisfaction and over two decades of experience, our board-certified podiatrist and dedicated team provide comprehensive foot care services that combine expertise, advanced technology, and personalized attention.

Compassionate Care Tailored to Your Needs

At Auburn Foot Care Center, we understand the profound impact foot pain can have on your daily life. That’s why our compassionate team is committed to helping you regain optimal foot health and reclaim your active lifestyle. With a patient-centric approach, our experienced podiatrist and staff strive to understand your unique needs and deliver tailored solutions that address your specific condition.

Unparalleled Expertise and Advanced Technology

We take pride in staying at the forefront of podiatric advancements, utilizing state-of-the-art technology to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. From the dynamic insights provided by Fluoroscopy to the healing properties of MLS Laser Therapy and the wound care benefits of MIST Therapy, our clinic offers a comprehensive range of advanced therapies. Additionally, our ultrasound-guided treatments provide targeted and precise care for enhanced results.

When you choose Auburn Foot Care Center as your podiatry clinic, you can expect personalized care and a commitment to non-surgical solutions. In fact, 90% of our patients find relief without the need for surgery, thanks to our innovative treatment approaches. We also offer custom-molded orthotics and foot braces to optimize support and promote long-term foot health.

Experience the difference at Auburn Foot Care Center, where exceptional podiatric care meets compassion and cutting-edge technology. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards pain-free feet and improved quality of life.

Is Auburn Foot Care Center Right For You?

Answer These Questions To Find Out Now

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Your Top-Rated Podiatrist In Auburn, Alabama

*The reviews listed are from actual patients of Auburn Foot Care Center. Individual results may vary. Reviews are not claimed to represent results for everyone.

We Believe In Nurturing The People Of Our Great Community!

Some Of The Ways We Proudly Support:

  • Auburn City Fest - Free Foot Care Screenings
  • Charity Bike Rides - Over 4,000 Miles A Year To Benefit Various Causes
  • Church Volunteering - Hurricane & Flood Relief
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Our Auburn Podiatry Office
1559 Professional Parkway,
Auburn AL 36830


Office Hours:
Monday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm

directions to auburn foot care center
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Our Auburn Podiatry Office
890 N Dean Rd #400,
Auburn, AL 36830

1559 Professional Parkway,
Auburn AL 36830


Office Hours:
Monday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm

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