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Now Offering Telemedicine Appointments!

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Now Offering Telemedicine Appointments!

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment for Residents of Auburn, AL

Plantar fasciitis is a common condition that affects the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot, connecting your heel bone to your toes. It is characterized by inflammation, pain, and tenderness in the heel area and can be caused by various factors, including overuse, flat feet, high arches, and improper footwear.  

At Auburn Foot Care Center in Auburn, Alabama, we offer effective plantar fasciitis treatments that can help you find relief from your symptoms and get back to your active lifestyle. 

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment at Auburn Foot Care Center 

Our board-certified podiatrists offer comprehensive plantar fasciitis treatments customized to meet your needs. Our 5-star care for foot and heel health includes advanced treatments for bunions, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, heel pain, wart removal, and foot and ankle surgery.  

We utilize the latest technology and techniques to diagnose and treat your condition, and our goal is to help you achieve optimal foot health and function. 

When you come to Auburn Foot Care Center for plantar fasciitis treatment, we will conduct a thorough physical exam, review your medical history, and evaluate your symptoms to determine the best course of action for your condition.  

Depending on your needs, we may recommend a variety of treatments, such as: 

  • Physical therapy: We’ll work with you to develop a physical therapy regimen involving targeted exercises to strengthen, stretch, and improve foot mechanics. This work will address pain, enhance flexibility, and correct imbalances contributing to the condition. This comprehensive approach can allow you to regain mobility, prevent recurrence, and restore optimal foot function to live your best life! 
  • Steroid injections: If your pain is unbearable, then a steroid injection can give you rapid relief. Administered directly into the affected area, these injections offer short-term respite, often as part of a broader treatment plan. They can swiftly diminish discomfort, facilitating increased mobility and comfort during recovery. 
  • Custom orthotics: Our custom orthotics offer personalized support for plantar fasciitis, easing discomfort and aiding recovery. Tailored to individual foot shape and mechanics, these inserts alleviate pressure, stabilize the foot, and promote proper alignment. This allows us to enhance your comfort and mobility while addressing the root cause of pain.  
  • Laser pain therapy: Laser pain therapy presents a non-invasive solution for plantar fasciitis by targeting inflammation and stimulating tissue repair. This cutting-edge treatment option accelerates healing, reduces pain, and promotes flexibility.  
  • Non-invasive vascular testing: Our suite of tests offers precise insights into blood flow and circulation related to the issue. This diagnostic approach detects potential issues and provides greater insight for tailored treatment plans.  
  • Shock therapy: This treatment method is a more controlled way to achieve pain management for plantar fasciitis. Shock therapy delivers controlled shockwaves to the affected area, stimulating healing and reducing pain. This non-invasive treatment enhances tissue regeneration and blood flow, promoting long-term recovery.  
  • Surgery: Surgery for plantar fasciitis is considered a last resort, considering the recovery time. But for patients whose cases are beyond physical therapy, pain management, or any of our other options, we may suggest surgery to alleviate the issue. Plantar fasciitis surgery involves releasing tension on the plantar fascia or removing damaged tissue. While effective, it entails risks and a prolonged recovery. 

Our experienced podiatrists will work with you to develop a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, and we will be with you every step of the way to ensure your complete satisfaction. 

Schedule Your Appointment Today 

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your feet or heels, don’t hesitate to contact Auburn Foot Care Center. Our same-day new patient appointments and treatments ensure you can get the care you need when needed. We take a consultative approach to podiatry care and are committed to providing Auburn, AL, residents with the personalized, compassionate care they deserve. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the first step toward better foot health. 

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Your Top-Rated Podiatrist In Auburn, Alabama

*The reviews listed are from actual patients of Auburn Foot Care Center. Individual results may vary. Reviews are not claimed to represent results for everyone.

We Believe In Nurturing The People Of Our Great Community!

Some Of The Ways We Proudly Support:

  • Auburn City Fest - Free Foot Care Screenings
  • Charity Bike Rides - Over 4,000 Miles A Year To Benefit Various Causes
  • Church Volunteering - Hurricane & Flood Relief
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Our Auburn Podiatry Office
1559 Professional Parkway,
Auburn AL 36830


Office Hours:
Monday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm

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Our Auburn Podiatry Office
890 N Dean Rd #400,
Auburn, AL 36830

1559 Professional Parkway,
Auburn AL 36830


Office Hours:
Monday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 12:00pm

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